Daily combo Baboon for today

Game Audience0.7M
Combo Updated7 March
QR code to open the game on your phone
Daily Battery Charge Combo Baboon for today, 7 March
The daily combo for the game Baboon is now available! Below, you'll find the current battery charge combination for 7 March. Use this combination to complete the task and earn 25,000 game coins.
To claim the reward, log into the game and go to the rewards section. Adjust the charge level of each battery exactly as shown in the image below. Once the combo is successfully set up, you will instantly receive the bonus coins.
Time since combo added:
Combo update in progress
Until the next combo update:
21 hours 34 minutes
Why is it important to complete the Baboon combo daily?
Daily combo tasks in Baboon give you an advantage, improve your ranking, and increase your chances of earning more coins in the airdrop before listing.
1 day25,000 coins
7 days175,000 coins
30 days750,000 coins
With ComboManager.com, you’ll always have access to the latest daily combos to earn more and save time. Bookmark the site and check back for new combos for Baboon!